Blackboard App: Mobile Learning Solutions
Harness the power of Blackboard anytime, anywhere. Fully engage in your digital learning experience on your favorite mobile device. Learn with no limits.
A Mobile First Approach to Learning
Today's active learners have a need for speed. The Blackboard App gives students the information they want, the connections they crave, and the personalization they demand, on the go. We're putting learning directly in the hands of your students, so they can stay connected with their educational journey anytime, anywhere.
Active Participation on the Go
Never miss a virtual class meet up or drop out of the conversation. Stay connected with classmates and instructors with digital class discussions and real-time virtual class sessions.
Authentic Assessment Any Time, Any Place
Take assessments at the right time, and the right place, for you while accessing all your work in the cloud.
Make the Grade
Stay at the top of the class by never missing assignments, tests, or quizzes with notifications and reminders.